Part A

Identify Leadership Role


Plan The Project’s Aims

Art Leadership

I have had the opportunity to use leadership skills before, both in the Bronze Art Award and at school. I think being a good leader requires many skills, one of which is being inclusive, and taking everyone’s opinions. After asking all the members of the team for their ideas and opinions, a leader should then see which options are best for the team, and make sure that the group members can understand the decision made are the best for the team. A good leader also needs to be flexible, as things can go wrong, and a good leader should have the ability to adapt their plans to these. A good leader also needs to be reliable and dependable. The rest of the team need to know that they can go to the leader for help and that the leader will always be there to help. A leader should also be firm, but fair with the others in the team.

I think that there are some qualities that I have that will make me a good leader, but some qualities that need to be improved. I think that I am good and resolving small problems quickly, which is useful for a leader. I also think that I am a very reliable leader and will be able to answer any questions members of the team have and help them. I think that I should improve on my time management for this project, as I generally have not always been good at that. I think in my Bronze Award project, I was quite shy, so I think I could be more confident, and speak out to my team.

The Art Leadership Project

For Unit 2 of my Art Award, I am going to be working on 5 projects all under the title of “More Art for More Children”. I will be doing this project with other Artspiration students, of a similar age to me, who are also doing their Silver Art Award. There are 5 tasks that will be done by all of us are:

  • A workshop - all of us will run an art workshop at The Brett Foundation and will be teaching young children.

  • Remote Teaching - all of us will record the foundations for a video to be uploaded on YouTube to teach people how to paint or draw something.

  • Art Awareness - we will record a small speech at an art event or gallery. The leader will then edit these videos.

  • Why Art - I am the leader of this task. I will need to create a video on why art is important to children, from the parent's perspective.

  • Marketing - The leader of this project will make a website, advertising Art Week when all the videos will be posted on the Aspiration YouTube channel.

All progress will be recorded on the website built for this project* and a YouTube video about our Art Leadership Project is available below.

I think this project will be very beneficial for both the children at The Brett Foundation and also for children all over the world so that they can enjoy making art. I was lucky to have my eyes open to art, so we want to give others this opportunity as well. This project will help me to develop the skills I have mentioned and many more.