Part D

Working Effectively With Others

Working with others

For this project, one of the main outcomes was to be able to work in a team better. One of the first team meetings we had was to discuss the tasks that needed to be done and who was doing them. We also decided to make a group chat, so we could communicate with each other easier. The first main task we did as a team was the workshops with The Brett Foundation. Even though we all had our lessons, we still had to help one another. We mainly helped each other by helping individual children, while the leader was teaching their lesson to everyone. We also helped each other to give out materials (paint, brushes, paper etc). We were also responsible for playing a game with the children, to give them (and the leader!) a little break. For example, the others played duck, duck goose with the children, while I was drying the base layer of the plant pots (see Part C about my lesson here). We also had to give each other advice about each of our more individual projects. For example, I turned to the rest of my team for some advice about what I should do about the video I was creating being too long (see Part C about my video here).

Since we did the workshop during the holidays I took the initiative and leadership role to communicate with the team to get the parent’s audio feedback for each of the team member’s work. Also, I had to communicate to collect images of their artwork so I could develop the “Why Art? Hear from the parents” and “Why Art Education” videos and upload them to the Artspiration YouTube channel.

It was a challenging task to work with all of the team members and their parents to deliver the content on time for me to upload the content for the Artspiration YouTube channel.

Feedback from others in my group.

“I really liked your videos. I liked how you included quotes from famous artists, and how you wrote out what the parents were saying to make it clearer. I liked your lesson and the idea of painting pots - it was a fun activity for kids. Perhaps if you did it again you could try to start it a bit more quickly or come up with another way of drying the pots instead of having to use a hair dryer. Still, it was a really good idea and I think everyone really enjoyed it. I really like both of your videos, maybe if you were to do the sunset one again, play some music or fast forward some of the parts where it is just silence, still I think it's a nice, simple video.”

“Your work was well put together and you produced a really good video that was very interesting.”

“I’m not sure you could call this a section on its own, since it was completed by only one person, but I just wanted to say that I thought Anuji made her videos very well, to a good standard and in a timely manner. This meant that she had enough time to accept and act upon any feedback given, which was excellent.”

“The final outcome of the project was really good, especially putting all the materials together to be compiled in the videos. You made sure everyone gave in some content for the video and it turned out great.”

Feedback from our group advisor.

“You learnt video editing and got a video together and we had several edits and finally ended up making two to avoid one long video. You emailed me each time you edited the video for feedback and did not give up until it was complete. At the last minute, we had copyright issues and you successfully addressed that too. Other than being late for one of the workshops, I think the children enjoyed your workshop. I would say, you can be more confident in yourself and develop your own opinions too. I think you could have worked more on your Draw with us video too.

Overall, a great project and well executed, well done all! I realise behind the scenes there would have been moments of frustration but what is important is that you managed that well and did not let that affect the quality of work delivered.

If I were to do a similar project, I would organise zoom meets much earlier as I found we got more decisions etc made at the meets than the group chats.”