

Hello, and welcome to my Silver Art Award Portfolio website.

Feel free to have a browse through.

Please follow the links below:

This is my website for my Silver Arts Award. In this website I will make a note of all the arts events I attend and any reviews or pictures I have to do with these; my research into arts career pathways, information and evidence of my Arts Challenge - blog, photos, finished album etc. - as well as information on my Arts Leadership - planning, any documents used, photos/videos from rehearsals/performances etc.

On the top of each page is the navigation bar. To move around the site just click on the link that corresponds with the section of my portfolio you would like to view and it will take you there. All of the work will be my own unless specifically stated and copyright checked, and I will check all links to make sure they are safe and harmless to the computer and direct the viewer to the right document/web page.